Teachers College Annual Fund


Thank You for Choosing to Support the Professor Frances Connor Scholarship Fund at Teacher College.

Our secure form allows you to direct a gift to our named endowed scholarship using a major credit card. If you have questions, or have difficulty using this form please contact Linda Colquhoun at 212 678-3679 or Colquhoun@tc.columbia.edu

All fields marked with * are required.

Donor Information

First Name*
Middle Name
Last Name*
Email Address*


Spouse Information

First Name:
Last Name:

Donor Address Information

Zip Code
Phone Area (3 digits)
Phone Number (7 digits, no hyphen )

Gift Designations*

Gift Amount*

999999.99 Format. Please do NOT include a $ sign.

Office of Development and External Affairs
Teachers College, Columbia University
Box 306, 525 W 120th Street
New York, New York 10027-6696
Location: 193 Grace Dodge Hall
Phone: 212-678-3231
Email: fund@tc.columbia.edu